Getting Started with Sewing

Sewing student working at a machine

It’s time to get back to sewing our own clothes! The amazing experience of learning to make your own clothing in your own style is at your fingertips. 

Unfortunately, it’s very hard to teach yourself how to sew because the instructions that come with commercial sewing patterns are difficult for the average person to understand. There are new terms and concepts to learn before you can read a pattern on your own.

A womans hands smoothing a sewing pattern before pinning it to fabric
Sewing pattern being pinned to fabric

Therefore, the best way to start out is to take a beginning sewing class. There are many online classes out there with amazing instructors who can show you first-hand how to get started. Over the past year I have taught over 20 sewing classes online with Zoom. Each student was able to accomplish her goal of completing a garment.

Here are some pictures of my students in an in-person workshop before Covid. Workshops will resume in person starting in 2022.

How and where do you find fabric? And which machine do you use? 

I enjoy working with JoAnn Fabrics for my supply needs. JoAnn is a national chain of fabric stores, so there is likely to be one near you. Make sure you bring a coupon, because there’s always a discount! This is where I purchase my needles, my thread, and my zippers. It’s a great resource for all of those things. 

When it comes to sewing machines I prefer to go to a sewing machine manufacturer such as Bernina or a Juki dealer.

When it comes to fabric I love the Confident Stitch, a fabric store based in Montana. They have an amazing online presence; check out the link to their website on the sidebar of this page!